Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our Supreme Court, Hobby Lobby and the Affordable Care Act

From what I read and hear, the issue at hand is Hobby Lobby, an American For Profit Corporation, feeling unduly charged with a potential penalty for not wanting to cover some specific medical items, procedures and prescription drugs for its women employees, due to the founders Religious and Moral beliefs. They apparently are upset by our United States Government, who voted in the Affordable Care Act BTW, which regulates employers on company “supported” health care. The basis given for this tremendous outlay of our tax dollars is that their Moral and Religious values, ideas and opinions are being trampled by the law.

The items at issue are all Physician ordered, or suggested and medically & FDA approved birth control medications and treatments, specifically the IUD and the Morning After Pill – not just abortion. Hobby Lobby or any For Profit business in the USA who wants to play the Moral and Religion card regarding their business which survives in America, with I’m guessing, documented America employees and approved American suppliers, in my opinion needs to NOT be hypocritical. By being a huge financial buyer and supporter of China and Chinese goods that’s to me what they are.

If in fact, Hobby Lobby is so righteous, they should support American companies, and sell America goods and support our own country that needs jobs. I feel the same about good old Sam Walton’s WalMart. Remember when their tag line was “American Made”? Why do I say this?

China is known to be one of the largest developed countries in our world. They have pretty poor morals in my opinion. For eons the Chinese government forced abortions on their female citizens and killed babies that were newly born ALIVE into a family who already had one child. This simply was and is to control their people and keep their desired population in check, no remorse on their part. Remember, one child per couple? Now for me, that’s horrible government interference.

Seems Hobby Lobby is being a bit hypocritical doesn’t it? They don’t have any problem buying and selling products from China. I’m not going to talk sweat shops and slave labor here. For me means Hobby Lobby is  financially supporting all of those senseless murders of babies and embryo’s, and financially helping the Chinese government to systematically take newborn babies from their mothers and fathers and then killing those babies. China even will take the time to track down the families who have tried to hide the second child. It’s pretty common knowledge that China as a whole, at least what we read and hear on the news and from people who have visited there, that the Chinese government has blatantly abused its citizens in an amoral and non-Christian fashion. They just make cheap goods that Hobby Lobby can sell and make a huge profit.

Hobby Lobby doesn’t seem to have any problem paying for mens medications and medical services that I’ve heard about. Penis Pumps, any erectile dysfunction services or Viagra, all for men don’t seem to be an issue. How do they feel about Vasectomies by choice? That kills sperm and prevents millions of potential babies from being conceived and born. Vasectomies are birth control for men. Why aren’t we hearing about them being up in arms over that surgery?

I’m sure the owners of Hobby Lobby are nice enough people. But couldn’t they put more good use of their time, talents and fortune into creating an American factory to employ thousands of workers making a living wage instead? The financial gain and dribble effect of a huge manufacturing company would be amazing to our country. As my mama said, “Sometimes you have to cut your losses and move on kiddo”. That’s my suggestion.

Don’t waste our taxpayer money on an endless battle of wits with our government. If you want the law changed, then hire those lobbyists and elect those politicians. What happens next, if a For Profit company plays the Moral & Religion card about gays, elderly folks, other cultures, people with disabilities, what about diabetics? It would be endless.

We as a country have such larger issues to address with our lack of good paying job, loss of manufacturing, homelessness, poverty, polluted drinking water, violence, child sex trafficking, animal abuse and on and on. This whole fight from Hobby Lobby has nothing to do with Free Speech, Morals or Religion.

This fight, that is about creating a bigger divide in our nation on a few hot topics. For me this is an example of a rich family and For Profit company with a strong, right wing agenda out to test the political waters and social values of our country by simply bullying our Supreme Court to make a decision where no one will win.

We seems to now live in a very vocal, critical, media driven society in the USA.  Whoever has the most money like the squeaky wheel, gets heard, at the expense of the rest of us. Hobby Lobby has already “won” with incredible gains in their name recognition,  free advertising on this case and maybe even share profits. So a few people win with them.

Personally, I’d love to see them spend more time trying to unify this great nation of ours, leading by example of Godliness, gratitude and acceptance rather by judgmentally pushing the envelope and creating a more negative environment with their holier than thou attitudes. Render unto Cesar that which is Cesar’s, and unto God that which is Gods. Yes, I can quote scripture when needed.

If you’d like to pay me for my opinion, let me know and I’ll send you my mailing address!  It’s America, I can ask for what I want too!

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